Sunday, September 15, 2013


Even if you feel imperfect and don't feel worthy, remember that being a child of the King, means you, through Christ, are redeemed. Even if you have made mistakes and lived in constant sin, our God is still right there, and is still able to save us all. (John 3:17)

Even if you feel like Judas Iscariot, you can refuse the 30 pieces of silver, and even if you have already accepted them, you can still turn to the cross, rather than the rope. God can and will use you to His glory!

Even if you run like Jonah, or lie (as in lie down for those unaware of the Jez lifestyle) like Jezebel, God can and will use you. Hopefully we choose to be used for the kingdoms advancement through our advancement, rather than our being made an example.

Even if you feel rehab is beyond you, think of Rahab. She was a sporting woman that entertained many men, and God through Joshua used her, and saved her! Amazing how the entire city was destroyed and every wall downed, but Rahab and her house were saved! Yes, even if everyone else looks at you as filthy and worthless, God is able to change and save you, and rehab a Rahab! (Joshua 5&6)

Even if you struggle with sin, don't struggle with the knowledge of the love of God. Know His love, and you won't struggle with no love.

"For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world though Him might be saved!"(John 3:17 KJV)

Even if all hope appears to be gone, don't give in, don't give up, give everything, and give it to HIM, not man! Cross or rope, the choice is yours. The imperfect one prays that we all choose life!

Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J!