A picture is worth a thousand words, correct? In most cases that holds true, unless you can't see the picture. To those of us with a warm place to stay, the snow might appear to be beautiful. To those less fortunate, it's not so pretty. Imagine not having a fogged window to look out of. Imagine your eyes being chilled and your vision blurred due to being exposed to the elements.
Now imagine a soul being in the same condition. Exposed to the elements of corruption or heartache.
We are quick to judge unless we've been underneath that bridge, or in that abandoned shack, or car with no heat. Quick to judge unless we were that lonely single mother, or fatherless son. You know the people that battle anxiety on the norm and face a new adversity with every breath, a breath that they are fortunate enough to take. The things we take for granted.
Imagine working for a corporation with a CEO that never worked for, or earned a single penny of his/her money. Imagine that CEO having never partook in any manual labor, or made an attempt to experience what their employees work experience was like.
Someone posed the question, "Wonder what it would be like with a president that had never eaten any 'oodles o' noodles?'
Imagine a president that has never been where you are right now. Wondering if he has enough money to pay for a fuel source. Wondering how those noodles taste after HAVING to feast on them for a week solid.
The imperfect Christian watched "Undercover Boss" a few times and thought of how awesome it would be to have such a privilege to give back to those that work hard, and have eaten the oodles of noodles and not be fortunate enough to have whatever they wanted. To have the privilege to show some of their employees that a clear view might very well be a state of mind at times, and not just with the physical eye.
I see Jesus as an/THE Undercover Boss.
He was introduced by John, and only a certain few there took heed. Then there was the encounter at Emmaus. He walked with the Cleopas and another, talked with them the whole way, even ate with them, and only after He blessed the bread and broke it, did they know who He was. Because unfortunately, the disciples, like today's iGeneration only concentrated on the physical.
The one clear picture is certain. HE said HE would never leave us nor forsake us. HE is faithful and just even when we fail Him and fall short. My confidence in Him is not lacking, although, as Grandma Sweetie said, "You (people in general) I'm not so sure about."
Pray for the sick and shut in on this cold snowy day, pray for the homeless, pray for one another, love one another. The imperfect Christian reporting live from Snowville,
Peace, Blessings, and Joy... That real PB&J