Are we up to the call? Is it a burning bush moment for you? Did God speak to you today at the voting booth? Did that ballot seem to be on fire, and did the ballot seem to endure the flame? Why didn't the fire consume it, why did like the bush keep on burning? Perhaps because You didn't hear the phone ring, so an inextinguishable bush or ballot should get our attention!
Did you go in to vote today to try and better your community? Did you pray before going? Did you pray after leaving. Pastors did you preach the Word of God, or did you preach the way we ought to vote according to the eyes of pastor? Congregates did we hear from God in service, or did we hear ourselves blocking Him out because we have taken the matter into our own hands?
Gamaliel said, "And now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it—lest you even be found to fight against God." (Acts 5:38&39) So in other words, if it is of God there is nothing you can do about it except to accept it. If it is an act of men, then this too shall come to pass, or the end result will be all for nothing!
So are you up to the call? Perhaps rather than voting or being about what new laws passed, or did not pass, or what new Congress seat will be filled and by whom, we should instead pray about what we are doing personally to answer Gods' call in our lives.
How many hopefuls did we pass at the polling facilities today that could use more than just our vote? What if we called one of the hopefuls right now? Do you think they would answer? Perhaps, but more than likely not. But when you call on Jesus... (sorry had a Nicole C. Mullen moment there for a second), but when you call Jesus on the mainline (sorry had a Cheyanne -sweet little gal that used to sing in the imperfect ones church- moment there), He is always there to answer. Jeremiah 33:3 says, "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know."
He will not only answer but show you great and mighty things that you didn't have a clue about.
When we are down, if we will seek out someone else who has a problem and get involved in helping them solve theirs, we quickly forget our own.
Dr. Karl Menninger
Jesus saw the concerned Christian's today. Those voting, and those seeking votes. He saw the soldier that gave his life years ago to bring forth a freedom that allowed all of us the liberty to vote today. He saw those disappointed and lacking in understanding about what laws that did and did not pass today. Now He wants us to learn from each day, and every event, and help someone else in a like struggle. Things may not seem to be going your way, but if you call on Jesus, He is guaranteed to be right there waiting to hear from you. He might actually put someone in your path to be a blessing to you as well. What you endure, may be a lesson, that you have to help someone else learn from later on in life. The imperfect Christian needs to take what he's learned today, and return the that call now! Time to give thanks. Goodnight all.
Peace, Blessings, and Joy... that real PB&J