Fighters are usually trained to fight a certain way, teams train and prepare strategic game plans for certain opponents. Perhaps the technique for this fight doesn't apply to the next fight, or this strategy doesn't apply to the next game? What the imperfect Christian has always trained for, as a player and as a coach is this; never put the fight, game, or match in the oppositions hands, nor the judge's hands(control your own destiny and follow the Righteous Judge). It is not likely that a fighter will go the distance in every fight, especially if that fighter fights long enough. It's not likely that as a baseball player that you won't play on a team where the game ends on a called, "third strike." It’s bound to happen. It's not likely that as a basketball, football, futbol (soccer), hockey, or other team sport where fouls are called that they (all the games), are all going to end based on the athletes putting up the necessary points unassisted, and win every game without one of them being decided by an officials call.
There’s also the opponent that you don’t know, you’ve never faced them before, and you have no film on them. In every case you (yourself), have to be prepared for anything, and rely on your sports IQ, and God given ability. Yes, especially in the game of life.
The Word says that we as Christians have to be ready in season and out (2 Timothy 4:2).
The imperfect Christian tries to be prepared on every occasion, but unfortunately, he is not always. The imperfect Christian knows what it’s like to be unprepared too, it’s no bueno, not good at all. He also knows that the only regrets that he’s had in life are:
Haste (which leads to lack of preparation),
Procrastination (waiting too long for something, but that something is not on God), and
Arrogance (enough said).
Life is too short to wake up with regrets (Ephesians 4:26). Being over confident and feeling as though you don’t need God (remember an angel named Lucifer Revelations 12:9), or not having confidence enough in Him to order your steps and take care of you (Psalm 37:23), or waiting on someone else, or yourself when God has told you over and over to get-ta-getting,’ these are no win situations (Psalm 118:8).
Yes, love the people who treat you right, but also love the ones who need it most. The enemy who knows no love (Matthew 5:44). You may be the one soul to change their lives for the better (Acts 17:6). Forgive the ones who don't love you, because you are called to be the light of their world, when “The Light” of the world is in you (I John 4:4).
Believe everything happens for a reason (Ecclesiastes 3). If you are a child of the Most High believe that all things work for your good, you are called according to His purpose not your own (Romans 8:28).
A brother prayed for the imperfect one and said, “If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Take a few minutes to think before you act when you're mad. Forgive quickly. God never said life would be easy . He just promised it would be worth it.”
Sometimes God answers prayers by not answering them, sometimes God answers prayers by exceeding what you could ever ask for in an abundance (Ephesians 3:20). Don’t give up on God, #even_if it seems the world has given up on you. Your sister, brother, perhaps your father or mother, your closest friend, your only lover, but God said He’d never leave you nor forsake you! Stay strong, stay focused, don’t let the enemy still your joy, whether it be through material things, people, or self don’t let anything steal your Joy! The struggle is usually one that is within. Don’t take it personal if someone else is trying to bring you down, take it personal if you let them!
Peace, blessings, and Joy… that real PB&J
In His matchless name I wish you all Heaven,
The imperfect Christian